Saturday, 23 January 2016

Simplicity of Life

I'm going to keep this second post simple, short yet like a buried active landmine, once stepped upon your life will disintegrate into particles of deep thought and analysis.  You won't be able to un-think what you are about to read.  There are two sentences that will:

  • Help you to discover your life's meaning, your purpose 
  • Your skills and talents 
  • How and what you do with your time
  • Help you rethink the people in your life
  • Your habits
  • Your goals and commitments
  • Help you understand what you do and why you do it
  • Redirect your focus to aid you in creating a better you, a better life
  • Shed light on confusion, deceptions, lies - You will become more confident and stronger
These words came to me this morning when I was having my alone time with God and telling Him that I am happy.  I really am happy because I know, feel and see that He listens to me, speaks with me and helps me. I'm sincerely proud of myself for being able to be content with what I have but not complacent that I take things for granted. If all I have is one pair of shoes for all year round I'd be happy with that knowing that at least I had something on my feet to be able to walk to and fro.  If you took away my computer, well yes I would miss it but I'd find something else to do.  You see, we all have troubles and difficulties but the difference between people like me and others is that I do not "crave" for anything.

People who love money crave to have it and more of it but if all I have is $5 to my name then I'll do the best I can and trust God, the universe to take care of me.  I won't allow what little I have to stop me from going after what I want and what I know is better for me.   I have this little NIV bible that I personally don't really want, I have other bibles so I was considering the other day on who do I give this to, do I leave it at the bus stop, put it in a clear bag and leave it outside somewhere or just throw it away?  It turns out it would be the perfect reminder for me to open up the bible and read something in it everyday and it sits quite nicely near the computer monitor with my glass of pencils, calculator, mp3 player and box of business cards.

So, I randomly opened it and ended up reading Jeremiah 44 & 45 where the Jewish people were getting in trouble again with God...(boy those guys really try God's patience!).  Anyways, there is this one line that hit me like a lightening bolt and I knew I needed to contemplate on it when the two sentences I about to share with you came to me. In Jeremiah 45:2-5 it says, "This is what the Lord, the God of Israel, says to you, Baruch: You said, 'Woe to me! The Lord has added sorrow to my pain; I am worn out with groaning and find no rest.' But the Lord has told me to say to you, 'This is what the Lord says" I will overthrow what I have built and uproot what I have planted, throughout the earth. Should you then seek great things for yourself? Do not seek them.  For I will bring disaster on all people, declares the Lord, but wherever you go I will let you escape with your life.'"

It was the line 'I will overthrow what I have built and uproot what I have planted...'  My focus being drawn more precisely to the words, 'uproot what I have planted...'

The two sentences that came to me were;

"Do not plant what God would want to uproot."
"Don't sow what the Devil wants to see grow."

Do what I did and say these two lines to yourself out loud slowly a few times and just feel the awakening, the "oooh...!?" happening within you as you begin to think about your life.  You'll find yourself reviewing your life, the actions you've taken, things you've said; questioning your motives, why you do the things you do, why you think about this but not about that, what you've done in your past, how you occupy your time.  Then no sooner than that as that train or trains of thought are rolling around your memory bank and creating a fireworks show in your conscious and subconscious awareness, you start to think about ways to make things better, ideas on how and what to implement into your life to make it more prosperous, joyful...more fulfilling.  You'll even beginning to entertain creative ideas you had previously let go and gave up on.  And find yourself saying, "maybe I could work at that idea again and make it happen."

This will happen without you even trying! It's as if those two sentences have a life of their own and releasing them into your spirit, uttering them out loud you've stumbled into some invisible realm and were given a tool case or access to a closet that has all your cleaning supplies for your life and the keys to opening the doors to your dreams.

Told you that you won't be able to un-think what you've just read and learned.  Gee, who knew that analysing ones life would open the door to a world of possibilities...indeed who knew?

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